Sanah Helwah

Assalamualaikum S a n a h   H e l w a h! Okay harini Birthday boy.  Dear you, thanks for everything that you had done for me. Every good thing I have in my life is just because of you. I have found happiness, success,  luck and a good friend. Today I wish to find the way to your heart.  Its your 17th Birthday dear. You’re not too old but be sweet 17th =) No matter how old you are, you just don't look it! Congratulations on your special day. There is my heart in there for you. Its only yours and always yours.

♥♥ بِسْــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْـــــمِ

May Allah help you, solve your problems, don’t break your hopes,
accept your prayer, bring happiness in your life.
Ya Allah make it easy for him. Ameen.
May ALLAH give you a rainbow for every strom, a smile for
every tear, a promise for every care, a blessing in each
trial and answer to each prayer. Wish u all the best for
you’re entire life
Be happy and keep smiling always

Its a nice feeling when you know that someone likes you, someone thinks about you, someone needs you; but it feels much better whenyou know that someone never ever forgets your birthday. I wish you 1 thing, to give you the chance to see yourself as I see you, only then you would realize how special you really are. Wishing you happy endings and great beginning. Dear you, I’m sorry for every mistake that I had done to you, every small or big, can see or not. Dear, Im not perfect but I’ll try to give you the best ever  thing that you can’t imagine. Again, I’m not perfect, But I’m thankful. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AWOKK =) Thanks for everything. Barakallah.

1 ulasan:

  1. For the one that I really miss. Wish you miss me too, even a little bit =')
